Tangerine Essential Oil Applications.

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Tangerine essential oil is well-known for its stimulating and mood-lifting properties. This makes it an excellent essential oil for aromatherapy; enjoy the citrus aroma by diffusing or inhaling it. Tangerine is also known for its cleansing and purifying properties, making it ideal for cleaning household surfaces.

Tangerine is well-known for its mood-lifting properties. This makes it an excellent essential oil for aromatherapy; enjoy the citrus aroma by diffusing or inhaling it. Inhale the aroma and allow it to bring a smile to your face.

Tangerine is also known for its cleansing and purifying properties, making it ideal for cleaning household surfaces.

I don't know about you, but I prefer my home to be a haven of peace and tranquillity. Tangerine assists me in creating this atmosphere. It can be used to clean the air, cleanse the environment, and promote positive feelings. If you haven't tried this oil before, I highly recommend you do so.

Tangerine Essential Oil Applications

Tangerine is well-known for its cleansing properties - use it in all natural cleaning recipes or add it to an aromatherapy bath. Combine with a gentle facial cleanser for additional cleansing and beautifying properties.

Natural Skincare - Use in skin care blends to nourish and rejuvenate the skin. It is frequently used to treat stretch marks and cellulitis.

To energise your mood - place one drop of Tangerine oil on your palm, rub your hands together, cup your hands over your nose, and take several deep and cleansing breaths.

Scent Your Space: Put a few drops of oil on cotton balls and stash them in closets or dresser drawers.

Improve Mood - Apply Tangerine oil topically when you need some extra sunshine in your life. To promote feelings of happiness, apply one drop of tangerine oil diluted with one teaspoon of jojoba carrier oil to the arms, shoulders, and chest.

Emotional Balance - Put one drop on your essential oil diffuser necklace for positive emotional support.

Tame the Tummy - Blend with a carrier oil and apply to the abdomen to relieve stomach queasyness and nausea.

Tangerine oil can also be applied topically to aid in the promotion of feelings of happiness. Apply Tangerine oil topically to flex points or your abdomen when you need some extra sunshine in your life. If you have sensitive skin, dilute the oil with Fractionated Coconut Oil before applying to reduce the risk of skin sensitivity or irritation.

Tangerine oil's flavour can be useful for adding variety to desserts and baked goods, but it can also be useful when added to your favourite beverages. When you need some extra flavour, add a few drops of Tangerine essential oil to your water, morning smoothies, summer lemonade, or tea.

When used aromatically, citrus essential oils such as Lemon, Lime, and Wild Orange are well known for their stimulating, energising effects. Tangerine essential oil, like its citrus oil cousins, has uplifting properties when used aromatically. Put one to two drops of Tangerine oil on your palm, rub your hands together, and place your hands over your nose for 30 seconds to lift or energise your mood. If you want to enjoy Tangerine oil's uplifting scent for a longer period of time, add a few drops to your favourite essential oil diffuser and enjoy the refreshing aroma as it fills the room.

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